This is my quote: 必增加。另外,第一大VR成人網站BaDoink執行長格萊德(Todd Glider)也曾分享拍片的難題,「降低暈眩感是第一個大挑戰,當開始拍攝VR影片時,必須處理很多問題,包括雙眼瞳孔和視覺中心的距離、鏡頭的移動。」用戶看片時感覺很自然,但背後其實是需要多種專業一同精心設計的產品。
This articles discusses porn’s role in shaping technology, how popular a search term and entertainment option porn is, before segueing into VR porn. It posits that perhaps VR porn will save the porn industry, but that there is no guarantee. The cost of producing a VR porn video is twice the cost of a non-VR porn video. And the market for VR is still tiny compared to the market for non-VR porn. While the market will continue to grow, it is going to take quite some time for VR gear to be as pervasive as smartphone or tablets or desktops.