Virtual Sexology: Covered by Rolling Stone!
What a thrill. I subscribed to the print edition for years, going back to my high school days in the 1980s. And now, here we are, published in Rolling Stone August 5, 2016. This trumps the quote I got in another article in RS about Palmer Luckey since this is a complete profile focused on VR porn and virtual sexology. Quotes from Hernando Chavez are prominent, as are quotes from my content manager Dinorah.

Sex therapist Hernando Chaves on set at Virtual Sexology shoot
Writer John Gaudiosi ruminates on porn past, its penchant for creating unrealistic expectations about sex. He doesn’t say he agrees, but it is certainly arguably true. He walks the reader through the process of the creation, and direction of the virtual sexology production–as he was on set for it when we were all gathered in LA for the shoot. He references Masters & Johnson. Flattering stuff, to be mentioned in the same breath with such legendary, and influential figures. Anyway a great piece, and a true honor to be featured in Rolling Stone.