Virtual Sexology was featured in Indian e-paper Deccan Chronicle. The article provides a bit of background, recent history of Virtual Reality, acknowledging that porn is once again leading. The writer also suggested that VR, or virtual reality, is no longer an unfamiliar term to the masses. One of my talking points, for some time now, has been the opposite. And while I think I’m correct, and I’ll continue making that talking point, my hope is that Deccan Chronicle knows more than I–the sooner this tech is familiar to everyone the better.
Virtual Sexology introduced in Indian e-paper
PornHub’s foray into virtual reality, adding their VR porn category, and giving away free google cardboard is also touched upon. BaDoinkVR’s Virtual Sexology is mentioned right afterwards. Alas, this is is another paper that doesn’t recognize the fact that PornHub would not be in virtual reality at this point without BaDoinkVR tech. But so it goes. That is what happens when you align yourself with the biggest name in porn, and it’s hardly a terrible thing.
The article also includes quotes initially printed in The Guardian from myself and sex therapist Hernando Chaves, who penned the virtual sexology script and was on-hand for the entire production of the Virtual Sexology program.
Thanks for the coverage, Deccan chronicle. Here’s hoping your readers were intrigued enough to visit and give the exposure therapy program a chance!