Had a memorable time in Berlin, serving on a panel titled: The Next Big Hype: Can Virtual Reality Save the Porn Industry?
The answer to the question was, of course, “No. Not now, but the porn industry is not dying.”
Will VR Porn save the Porn Industry?
Michelle Flynn from LightSouthern.com, Nina from Ersties.com and I were moderated by Torsten, the organizer of the festival. The conversation was lively and interesting. I was particularly impressed by the types of questions asked by the audience.
I actually got some fist pumps (from women) when the conversation diverged into a discussion related to Virtual Sexology, and the idea that a generation of adults now looks to porn for their sex education.
The fist pumps appeared when I stated the obvious: we are entertainers, not educators. We do not have accreditation from degree-bearing institutions.