Exposure Therapy & Gear VR
BaDoinkVR’s first Virtual Sexology program was created to help adults become better, more attentive lovers. However, that serves as a mere introduction to the concept, as ultimately the goal is to create additional programs, targeting specific sexual hangups. All will fall under the heading of exposure therapy.

Virtual Sexology Exposure Therapy
Fear of intimacy? Immerse yourself in this program.
Premature ejaculation? Immerse yourself in this one.
Can’t reach orgasm? Try this.
Gear VR as a tool for self improvement is the subject of this article, written by Justin Diaz.
Diaz references the first programs offered in Oculus Home to Gear VR users: one that helps with public speaking, another that confronts one’s fear of heights.
I’m happy to see that this is now being discussed. As I’ve mentioned previously, a startups foray into exposure therapy via VR was the inspiration for BaDoinkVR to stretch from mere VR porn to sex therapy with Virtual Sexology.