The only issue I had with Apps World London was the location, which was a 2-hour cab ride from Heathrow. That means the travel time and cost for travel from Heathrow by car matched the cost of travel from Barcelona to Heathrow by plane. Lunacy, but what are you going to do. It was on the east side of London. And I could certainly be blamed for that. There are closer airports, though only one has a direct flight from Barcelona.
Long Drive across London
The show itself was solid. They had a VR/AR section on the floor. Didn’t see too much that was interesting or groundbreaking. The panel subject was ASSESSING THE FUTURE OF DIGITAL RELATIONSHIPS, and I believe the three panelists conveyed valuable information.
I was additionally interviewed by a gentleman from Trusted Reviews. The article appears here. I was additionally interviewed on camera by Cloud Moves TV, and that should be accessible soon.